St George's Primary School Portland


Pupils starting Reception/ Admissions


Our admissions policies:

St. George's Admission Policy 2025-2026

Admission Policy 2024-2025

Please see below a link to Dorset Council, School Admissions. This explains how to apply for a school place if your child is due to start school in September 2023.

Click here for Dorset’s How to Apply page where you can find information on how to apply for a place, appeals and in year moves. This includes applications for secondary school. 

Dorset County Council, School Admissions

Click here to find a copy of Dorset Council’s ‘Admissions to Schools: A guide for parents and carers.

For information regarding the In-Year application process for those starting school in 2023, please click the link above.

Advice from Dorset Local Authority.

Details of the school readiness strategy, tool kit and guidance resources. 

Children and families must be at the centre of everything we do. We highlight this in our school readiness documents.

The aim of the school readiness work is to:

  • develop ‘capable and confident children and families’
  • ensure that all children and families get the ‘best start’ to their school life

To do this we use a range of age and stage support material: