Breakfast Club 
Breakfast Club Lead - Mrs Leah Shorey
Breakfast Club Mobile Number - 07919 214181
Breakfast Club Email -
We provide a daily Breakfast Club where pupils can enjoy a healthy breakfast in a friendly and supervised environment. We encourage children to use the Breakfast Club as a social opportunity, to chat, learn to share and co-operate, and get ready for the start of their school day.
We are committed to provided equal opportunities for play and participation and will ensure that your child will have a safe and happy time at the Breakfast Club.
We welcome feedback from children and parents/carers regarding the service we provide. The success of the club depends on the co-operation and sharing between all those involved. Parents should address any comments they wish to make to the School Business Manager or the Headteacher at the school by email
Aims of the Breakfast Club:
- Nurture and to offer a safe environment for children to prepare for the school day.
- Supporting Working Families: Offering care outside of regular school hours helps working parents/carers by providing a safe and supervised environment for their children.
- Accessibility: Ensures that the Breakfast Club is easily accessible to all pupils. This will involve offering a number of discounted places to pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding.
- Attendance: To improve school attendance.
- Enhancing Learning Opportunities: We will use the Breakfast Club as an opportunity to teach pupils about nutrition, healthy eating habits, and the importance of starting the day with a balanced meal. Our Breakfast Club will include fun and educational activities and enrichment programs, which can supplement and reinforce the learning that takes place during the school day.
- Financially Viable: Any money raised will be used to maintain and extend our high quality Breakfast Club provision and we will hopefully be able to meet your family's needs.
Opening Times
The Breakfast Club will be open every weekday during term time excluding Inset Days from 7.45am - 8.40am (breakfast will be served until 8.15am). Children are dropped off at the small hall.
Please could all parents/carers ensure that they sign their child in when they arrive. Any absences for the Breakfast Club MUST be reported to Mrs Shorey on 07919 214181.
When the children have finished eating, then quiet play or activities are chosen. At 8.40am the children will be escorted to their classrooms (KS1) or line up in the playground (KS2).
Menu and Cost
The children attending will be provided with a healthy breakfast consisting of:
- A choice of cereal;
- Toast or bread (with a choice of topping);
- A choice of yoghurts;
- A drink (a choice of milk or water);
- A choice of fresh fruit
Any dietary requirements/food allergies should be included on the Breakfast Club Registration Form. Any changes MUST be emailed to Mrs Shorey
The cost of the Breakfast Club is £5 per child per morning, with options for weekly or monthly payments. Sessions have to be paid in advance (through our online payment system SchoolMoney). Children of families who are in receipt of Pupil Premium (ONLY the Free School Meal element of Pupil Premium) will be able to attend at a reduced rate of £3.50 per session. Children can attend any or all of the five sessions a week.
We also accept childcare vouchers. Please visit: or tax free childcare
For information about Universal Credit and childcare please visit:
To enquire about spaces at the Breakfast Club, please complete the School Breakfast Club Registration Form (see below). Please note - spaces may not be currently available. Once we have received your Registration Form we will contact you.
Once we have confirmed your child's attendance you will be informed how you can book sessions and make payments via SchoolMoney.
(For information regarding after-school provision please contact Haylands Pre-School on 01305 822625, located within the school grounds.)